Design ········· Josh Nathanson
Client ········· brandbuch
Website ········ Glass
Location ······· Zurich, CH
brandbuch is a Zurich-based brand consultancy network founded in 2019 by Melissa Buch, whose guiding philosophy is to help give brands purpose.
We developed a methodology called ‘in & out’ that is used to discover a brands inner purpose and then share that purpose with the world. The colours used for the brandbuch identity therefore reflect these three stages, with green being a colour of inward reflection, black representing the crafting of an idea into a visual identity, and yellow as a colour of absolute expression and confidence when sharing your brand with the world.
We developed a methodology called ‘in & out’ that is used to discover a brands inner purpose and then share that purpose with the world. The colours used for the brandbuch identity therefore reflect these three stages, with green being a colour of inward reflection, black representing the crafting of an idea into a visual identity, and yellow as a colour of absolute expression and confidence when sharing your brand with the world.